Posted by Touch of Demiurge auction!!

forestfriends (#442037)

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Posted on
2023-07-12 08:19:19

Touch of Demiurge on auction for offers!

SB= Starting bid

MI= Minimal increase

CB= Current bid

AB= Auto-buy

Auction rules
I'm mainly looking for currency, apps or stat food, but I can accept lions (either a female with good markings and stats as adds, or primal smilus cub). However, they need to be worth SB at minimum.
1000 Silver Beetles = 1 Golden Beetle
SB: 5000 Silver Beetles or 5 Golden Beetles
MI: 150SB
CB: -
AB: 15000 Silver Beetles or 15 Golden Beetles
Please only post one bid at a time; when you do, write the worth of your bid in the comments! I might accept; if I don't, I'll either ask for adds, or wait for another bid.
No lowballing please! No common markings or NCLs. I'm not LF males either (unless it's a primal smilus cub).

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Edited on 12/07/23 @ 09:49:55 by forestfriends (#442037)

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