Posted by ~Slawth's One Stop Shop~

Slawth (#108572)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-07-14 23:28:07


Currently, Shop's


This is where I sell all those items I keep getting that I really just dont need,
I wont be selling decor or bg's (except like explore stuff) here, but check my Mossy Cavern (my branch) for those!

I also typically dont sell apps here (current event apps, and flood pit apps being the exceptions)
I end up raffling those off,

Current Raffles:
9 apps (+a felis), tickets cost 50 or some junk!

if they're not being raffled then they might be in My Trades

shameless plugs aside, you're here to buy items, so lets get to what I'm selling!


20 = 1
ASK! Depends per item


Feathers & Herbs:
ALL Herbs (45 PER Herb)
ALL Feathers (5 PER Use)


Amusement Items:
ALL Items (5 PER Use)


Craftables & Misc.:
It'd be hard for me to generalize a price, so I'll list them below the item along with how many


Stat & Breeding Items:
Listing individual prices under the item


10 PER Use
Just ask! I'll set up/send a trade, or you can
Food MAY be limited sometimes though, so be sure to ask ^^


Event Scars (350 PER use)
Normal Scars (10 PER use)

Thats all for now! :>

ignore this, its just code

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Edited on 15/07/23 @ 22:06:29 by Slawth (#108572)

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