Hi! I've seen many people posting "Damn, how do I get quick/fast?" so I've made a little Guide for it, which I hope won't be too long <3 This was inspired by Zuri's Guide
Grinding is a massive part of Lioden when you want to get /. There are tons of buyers, and I can guarantee you that at least one thing in your hoard that you have will be able to sell, as long as people have listed they're looking for it. Personally, I suggest grinding hard in February to sell later in the year because it really helps get you money, but, hey, that's my opinion. You can also use your lionesses to hunt and then bring back the food and sell it for cheap on your trades!
What To Save On Events:
January - Lion Meat*, primal MOD
February - Buffalo Scrotum*, Lion Scrotum*, Yohimbe Bark,* grains of paradise* - TIP - I highly suggest that you do not spend any currency on decor as February is one of the biggest events on Lioden and the listed above is only what sells quickest
March - All apps + mukombero
April - Roasted Lambs from Wenet, Wenet herself, Wenet's Cousins
May - Groupies with a mutation*, groupies with special markings/bases*, red bull, lion scrotum*
June - Canopic Jellyfish, Apps* (mainly the quest ones),
July -
August - buffalo scrotum*
September: ochre gnawrock*, ochre saltlick*, GMOW cow*
October: all apps, Halloween bundle, angelic blessing*, shadow of death, crunchy worm*
November: giant tortoise, most apps
December: all apps * - means nearly always on demand
When you have studs, try not to overprice your king/Queen. Of course, you may profit, but do a reasonable price.
What people mostly stud to:
- Clean
- Short gen (3rd at most)
- x3 rosette+
- BO/Combo Bases
Reasonable Pricing:
Ask chat! Combo base + multiple rosette = 300 /1 or so, if you want to sell out quick enough.
How To Get Stud Request
- Advertise in SALES chat!
- Make a forum so you can constantly bump!
Mass Breeding:
You can get NCLs from explore and breed them when they're in heat. This links with the stud section, because it helps you produce neat cubs.
Cubs people look for in Mass Breeding:
- Rosettes
- Muties
- Special Bases
Just buying it :
Title lmao! Though it can really slice your money if you buy it too much! :3 So I don't suggest!