Posted by Selling my gems! (July ones too)

Asmos (#393862)

Nice Guy
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-07-16 02:05:29
Hello! Welcome to Promethee's sales!
Come and find the gems you were searching for!!

[Available ones]

Item _ How much I actually have _ price per

Comet Shards _ 4 _ 350 each | or 1 for 3
Ionized Plankton _ 8 _ 350 each | or 1 for 3
Prismatic Scales _ 7 _ 350 each | or 1 for 3
Space Rocks _ 25 _ 300 each | or 1 for 4
Underbrush _ 8 _ 300 each | or 1 for 4

Star Ruby _ 9 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Natural Glass _ 5 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Phantom quartz _ 8 _ 250 each | or 1 for 4
Rainbow stones _10 _ 150 each | or 1 for 7
Rock _ 2 _ 150 each | or 1 for 7

Other events gems
Evil Shards _ 1 _ 200 each

Shiny Rocks
Black _ 7 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Green _9 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Orange _ 8 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Red _ 2 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
White _ 9 _ 200 each | or 1 for 5
Teal _ 9 _ 250 each | or 1 for 4

AD : Side account stud!
Just kinged Arctic daedal pie.
440+ stats, 7m, clean, g3

Link :

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