Posted by How to pick a good stud for your lioness?

The Veggie Salad (#85653)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-16 12:03:11
After being on hiatus for, um, several years, I've been getting back into things and happily collecting pretty lionesses. But something I've always struggled with is how to pick a good match to produce pretty cubs. I guess I just don't understand the genetics well

Generally I pick one of my "favorite" markings from the lioness, search for kings with the same marking, and then just... pick the one I like the looks of best. But I get so. many. ugly(/plain). babies. Like... low opacity markings, not many markings, muddy babies... Some can be improved with marking opacity changers, but that gets expensive. And it often feels like even picking a matching marking doesn't make a difference? Like it's just as faded as the other markings.

I feel like I must be missing something important, right? Any advice you can offer?

[edit] Like right now, Beffica is in heat. If you were looking for a stud for her, what would you look for?

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Edited on 16/07/23 @ 12:05:09 by The Veggie Salad (#85653)

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Project PRIVATE (#230272)

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Posted on
2023-07-16 18:27:14
For me at least.
When it comes to a good stud, I base it on the king's generation then base it on the lioness' base genetics.
For Beffica, I'd go with any special bases that work in her genetic category, which for example, 'Water Hyacinth' is one of the special bases that match her genetics.

I look for kings who have 7-10+ markings. Most special based kings already have several markings so it's all good. A king may look out of place by the amount of markings but if the have 10+ markings the 1-5 slots will be obviously covered by the 6-10 markings so it's fine.

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Project PRIVATE (#230272)

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Posted on
2023-07-17 04:10:19
Matching markings for me isn’t a huge thing. If I see that a lioness has a breed only marking, I’ll search for a king with the same marking in the same slot so it’s a 75% chance to pass on to the cub.

If there’s a lioness that have breed only markings, I’ll match her with a king with the same markings like if she’s an NRLC, I’ll match her to the RLC. If she is a color bomb, I’ll match her to another color comb and let markings mix between both parents.

If you have lioness that’s plain but is a base factor combo, I suggest going for a base combo. Besides that, I base it off of genetics and base factors because even if it’s a potato cub, they may have a special base from a parent/has the base combo. I go for special bases that are breed only if I’m matching the genetics. I don’t go for special bases that are from applicators UNLESS it’s a base factor like Cherry Blossom or any of the Exclusive Explore Bases (three of them are used for Mudstone Base combo).

If you prefer have cubs that are always have a lot of markings and have color, colorbomb kings are one of the best ways to go.
(Shuhei 13M Sunrise King)

I normally don’t because most of the lions in my dens are either random Chased lionesses. BO lions. Few decent statters. Base Factors. Or something.

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Project PRIVATE (#230272)

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Posted on
2023-07-17 09:31:29
It's no problem. If you want cubs that you can sell, I'd suggest going for BO markings than applicator markings. I mean it's really up to you on your preference.

From what I've seen at least, I've sold a scoundrel cub for 20gb a bit ago. With 10 breed only factors. It's a bit easier to sell cubs with breed only factors than ones that are filled with base and marking applicators.
(there's a lot of cubs and lions that are gorgeous with base applicators and marking applicators but it's a bit more effort to make them gorgeous vs straight up selling a BO bomb cub/lion.)

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The Veggie Salad (#85653)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-16 21:06:32
You know... although it now seems very obvious that picking the right base would help with the look of the cubs, I haven't ever searched by base genetics! I'll have to do that haha

Do you look for/does it matter to look for matching markings? Or do cubs just get a random mix of their parents' markings?

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The Veggie Salad (#85653)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-17 09:24:46
Okay, cool! Thank you so much for taking the time to help I'll look more into breed only markings and base color genetics!

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