Posted by Writing back stories for a small price

King of the shrimp
🦐🦐 (#434714)

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Posted on
2023-07-16 14:14:23
Hello fellow lioden fans
I have decided to start a small business where I write back stories for your lions and or King's for a small price.
The price will be form 100sb to 1gb depending on how long you want the story or what prompts you give me

One prompt/full freedom ,Very short with not much detail- 100 sb
2-3 prompts long with detail- 200 sb
Multiple lions at once short little detail - 1gb
Multiple lions at once long with detail 2-3 gb

These stories take time and it can be days before you receive yours so please be patient. If you do not like you story I can give you half of your money back however you must provide a reason Do Not Take Advantage Of This.
The way it works is you can send me your lion and I can write their story and send them straight back or I can send you their background in pms and them you copy it into their footnotes ( if you send me the lion I may temporarily add to their name so that I know who belongs to who)
Please be kind 🙏 ❤️

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Edited on 16/07/23 @ 14:31:20 by Zorrros (#434714)

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