Posted by LF: Specific lion

🍈Lynx🍈 Project
stud (#382759)

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Posted on
2023-07-17 13:14:40
PM me or post links on this topic if you think you have an lion i might like! Im offering an dirty 7yr old pon, feel free to ask for her link! Im willing to add an frozen Cyclopia if you feel like your lion is worth more then just the pon! If its THAT good of an lion, i can even add 2 unbreedable gons!

Im looking for lookalikes of one of these lions, but will also take other lions. Scroll down for more information!

(more coming soon)

Im also taking pretty, BO heavy semi-natural lions. Mostly looking for light golden, dark golden, reddish and cream colored semi-naturals!

Im also taking lions with these traits:
(Obviously, it doesnt have to have all these traits! It MUST have one of the bases specified, tho!)

Nadir, Jellyfish, Dawn, Stratosphere, (maybe) Cloudburst, Interstellar.

Marking colors:
Dawn, Stratosphere, Ebony, CIMMERIAN(i love cimmerian, so atleast 1 cimm mark is preferred!), Noctis, Onyx, Seal.

Marking Shapes:
Feline 9, Inverted Rosette, Rosette, (White/Bone)Underbelly/felt/fur/etc, Siamese, Pelage, Okapi, Margay, Dorsal Line

Eye colors:
Dawn. Maybe mist and arid!

And im also willing to take an lion with alot of dawn, leonid, scoundrel and stratosphere markings! Especially if it also has White Freckles 1, 2, or 3!

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Edited on 29/07/23 @ 14:33:40 by 🍈Lynx🍈 - Jellyfish (#382759)

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