Posted by || Guinness Lioden Records ||
ThatLastWolf (#420575)

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Posted on
2023-07-18 13:49:00
The concept is pretty simple, it's just the #1 player/wolf/pack in that specific category. Just for fun! But I might make badges if there's a big enough demand lmao. Feel free to comment categories I should add! Will try and update on a regular basis, but if you find a new #1, comment below as well. Anyways, let's begin :P

Highest Stats (Ever):

Highest Stats (Alive): Maru #124763

Most Muties in Den (Overall):

Most Muties in Den (Lethal):

Most Muties in Den (Non-Lethal):

Most Lions in Den:

Most Female Lions in Den:

Most Male Lions in Den:

Most Cubs in Den:

Most Adolescents in Den:

Most Adults in Den:

Most NCL in Den:

Highest Stud Fee (NOT A BAD THING):

Most Rosette Marks on Lion:

Most T5 Marks on Lion:

**Need to work now, but I'll def add some more categories later**

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