Posted by Battle guide!

QueenCorg (#239261)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2023-07-23 20:37:45
if ive missed anything please tell me!

Dustlings and Burstlings - roar they will most likely run away THEY DONT ALWAYS THO if they dont run use a grab/charge then claw/kick combo

Windssrah - pounce/charge then grab then claw/kick combo

Instellar Snake - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

Serpents - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

Drakes and Drakelings - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

Wyverns - pounce/charge then grab then claw they have soft skin

Gamma beings - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

Windssrah - pounce/charge then grab then claw/kick combo

Starburst Being - pounce/charge then grab then claw/kick combo

Wyrms - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

Do not Claw ANY boss. They all have Thick Skin

use charge then grab then pound/kick combo for all


Jellyfish - pounce/charge then grab then claw they have soft skin

Nereides - pounce/charge then grab then claw they have soft skin

Ctenophore -pounce/charge then grab then claw they have soft skin

magnetar - pounce/charge then grab then claw they have soft skin

Squid - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo DONT CLAW they have tough skin

Kuragei - pounce/charge then grab then claw/kick combo

Octopus - pounce/charge then grab then pound/kick combo

more coming soon

Do not Claw MOST boss. They all have Thick Skin

use charge then grab then pound/kick combo for all

You CAN claw the Neutron Cthulhuae but i recomend charge then grab then pound/kick combo

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Edited on 25/07/23 @ 19:36:19 by QueenCorg (#239261)

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