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Posted by | Horse Haven (Main Thread) OPEN |
![]() Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:47 |
Horse Haven, is a place wild horses thrive on a protected land, under the gentle care of a Lioness and her human Counterpart. As you approach the land you heard rumors about, A lioness Dressed in leather and fire intercepts you a some how gentle glare stopping you in you tracks. a low rumble escapes from the lioness throat not quite a growl but a warning, to stay where your at, when a sharp voice ring through the air "Aprina, that is no way to treat a guest, It best to give a chance before assuming the worst." the lioness glance back at the small human that makes her way over her dark black hair cut short, and icy blue eyes giving the lioness a pointed look. the lioness just huffs but relaxes slightly. "Sorry about her, she is very protective of our lands, most come to seek to destroy it or harm it inhabitants. My name is Emma and this is my protector Aprina. It is nice to meet you now come let me show you around, but be warned make a move to harm anything Aprina wont hesitate to escort you away from our land." The small human leads you twards an open gate and in the distant you can here the whinnys and neighs of various herds that are free roaming. you go to ask whats making that kind of call Emma cuts in. "Welcome to Horse Haven, one of the last sacred ground for wild horses to thrive, but with the years and the wrong type of outsiders, were running out of funds and space to keep them all happy and healthy, so iv started to open my gates to trusted outsiders, to take some of the wilds and give them a new trusted home among other prides" she pauses to look back at you with an icy stare "Will you be one of those trusted prides?" she questions with a humm before looking back ahead of her. ![]() Edited on 06/08/23 @ 15:11:01 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208) |
Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:53 |
IMPORTANT LINKS Shows- Horse Haven Fair Grounds Breeding- Horse Haven Breeding Center Explores- Horse Haven Explores Sales+Auctions- Horse Haven Auction House Horse Haven Player Satables- Horse Haven Stables ![]() Edited on 14/08/23 @ 16:13:47 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208) |
Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:53 |
SHOWS + STATS INFORMATION- STATS: Each horse has 4 stats that are randomly generated Strength-> How strong a horse is. Draft breeds tend to have a higher strength stat than standard breeds. Strength is needed mainly for the Show Pulling. Agility-> How agile a horse is in its turns and Jumps. Standard breeds tend to have a higher Agility than Drafts. Agility is mainly used in the show Hunting. Speed-> Speed is how fast a horse is and is universal among breeds. Higher speed stats help in almost all shows, but is also good to have if you go into the Show Racing. Control-> Control is how much control you have over your horse, universal among all breeds. a higher control stat mean less chance of loosing it during a show. There are three types of 3 types of shows. Each show uses different stats. the higher the stat that's associated with the show the better chance you have at winning the show. How shows work. Once 5 horses are entered in the show i will run the show. if 5 horses aren't entered in a show within 25 hours i will create "Npc horses" to help run the shows. Just because a breed has and aptitude towards a specific show doesn't meant that it can only enter those types of shows, they just tends to have better stats for those shows. the shows are as followed. Hunting Show-> These shows are heavily based on the Agility, Speed and Control Stats. Hunting consist of sharp turns and jumps on a set course to complete in the quickest amount of time. Standard breeds have an aptitude towards this show. Pulling Shows-> These types of shows are based on Strength, Speed and Control stats. Pulling shows are simple, it hooking a horse up to a harness and having them pull a set amount of weight the farthest. Draft breeds tend to have an aptitude towards this show. Pleasure Shows-> Pleasure shows depends on all stats and are more of a lighter show in how you handle you horse, no set breed as an aptitude to this show. Pleasure shows consist of a judge that stand it the center of a ring handing out commands for you to execute with your horse. ![]() Edited on 05/08/23 @ 17:51:19 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208) |
Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:53 |
Breeding Information- Mares: Mares have a heat cycle Much like Lionesses their heat last 3 days, and after a successful breeding will give birth in 3 days. after the birthing of there foal, they will be on cool down for 10 days, enough to time to care for the foal and to recover. Stallions: Stallions have only 4 slots to breed in a week (weeks Start and renew on Mondays) this is hopefully to help renew the population but careful enough so it doesn't bloom to be overcrowded. Foals take 7 days to fully age into breed able adults. Cross breeding: You Can cross breed a standard breed and a Draft breed, but beware it will come to be a Grade Draft horse or a Grade Standard Breed. the stats on these horses can vary and may not follow normal stat rules. Ex. A Grade Draft can have an extremely low Strength stats and have disadvantages. ![]() Edited on 05/08/23 @ 22:19:31 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208) |
Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:53 |
DISCORD LINK: ![]() Edited on 05/08/23 @ 17:53:45 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208) |
Missy|Gen 4 angelic base (#191208) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 14:36:53 |
Windstill (#437343)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-30 22:59:12 |
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