Posted by Mane Succubus Heat Raffle 🔥

Stemny (G5 Ice Cimm
Bomb Pie) (#391814)

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Posted on
2023-07-30 19:00:17

I am raffling off this mane succubus lioness's next heat! She is clean G7. You can click her picture to go to her page.

Ticket Prices:
Herbs, nesting material, and other explore items!

1.) You must provide all breeding items. Lion Scrotum is MANDATORY as it is the only way for the mutation to pass. Also recommended are Great Tit and Buffy or Grain of Paradise.
2.) You may use the heat on your own king, or someone else's king. If you want me to breed her to someone else's king, you must provide the beetles for the stud fee.

HERE is the link to her raffle!

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Edited on 30/07/23 @ 19:00:36 by Stemny (#391814)

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