Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-08-02 00:44:56
Hello! Looking for some somewhat specific studs! Please ONLY comment if your stud matches BOTH my requirements, and not if you think it might be what I'm looking for. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's pretty annoying to have people post lions that they think I might like when what I'm looking for is written down.

So! I'm looking for studs that have either a ebony, black rose, rhodonite, ardor or hellebore base.

Second, the stud MUST also have BOTH scoundrel AND leonid marks along with the base. This is non negotiable.

I don't mind stud fees but would prefer cheaper ones just because I'll be frequently breeding for a Nadir base and don't want to waste too much money. Deals like 'Pay 1 and get 3 refunded studs' would also be nice in the long run. If you're willing to trade items for refunded studs, or do a refunded stud for a refunded stud to my queen, I'd be down for that too. Anyways, just comment below!

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