Posted by Personal coding system game!

Zodiac(G2 Ice Echo
pie) (#212956)

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2023-08-11 07:56:59
Heya my name is Zodiac!^^

I’m not entirely sure this would be classified as a game but it seemed like the best place to put this

For a while I’ve been using personal codes for all my lionesses to make it easier to look for example what base they are, the amount of stats, how many markings and much more without going back and forth to their pages each time!

It seemed like a fun idea to share and maybe make a game out of it once this perhaps has gained popularity and people got the hang of it a bit!

How I would see it function is for example someone would post a code for the lion(ess) mentioned in the post above theirs together with a link to one of their own lions, so the person below that can do the same with a code for your lion(ess), perhaps a small gifting system could be implemented once this thread expands a bit more and its set in motion^^

Before I start it I would like to see who would be interested in learning about it first, and the basics of the concept are also explained on my page, pm me if you’d like to have examples for one of your lions if you want:)

(You can also look in one of my caves to see examples)

I created these codes as a form of organizing for myself but I did notice I started to enjoy it, so the main point of this thread is also for me personally to find people who enjoy organizing as much as I do!

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