Posted by Horse Haven Stables. (DO NOT POST)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2023-08-14 16:10:15
Apirina leads you down a trail that leads to a series of empty barns, she gestures to the many bars in a way for you to pick one to be your stables. a gentle huff leaves her maw as she wait for you patiently. Emma then appears out of seemingly know where
"ah i see she brought you to the stable grounds, this is where we can help you keep track of you horses and currency, fear not they can travel between you lands and our with o problem it will very much be safe for them." she smiles at you brightly
"go ahead and give a name to you stable and we will do the rest, no need to do anything from that point besides tame more wilds to grow you herd!"

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Edited on 14/08/23 @ 16:12:03 by Missy|Gen 2 Deshret Pie (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2023-08-14 16:11:46

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