Posted by I’ll train your adol males fast

TheTragedyMachine (#429693)

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Posted on
2023-08-14 18:30:15
I’ve found that for some reason taking an adol male along on a patrol increases the odds of your submale gaining stats. Now I guess I could just grab random males from the tree, use them for the 4-5 days it takes me to max their training, and re-tree them

But I thought I’d offer since I know with school picking up people may not have as much time to patrol

I can usually max out a adol training in 4-5 days. Heck I’m already at 33% of the tree adol I grabbed yesterday

So yeah, need some help getting those bonus training stats? I’ll do it for the low low price of literally nothing. I’ll just do it.

I mean if you wanted to give me something I would not protest :p but like you really really don’t have to

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