Posted by Hybrid Ideas

[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-20 21:54:03
We have all seen the hybrid posts

ligers (Female tiger X Male lion)
jaglions (Male Jaguar X Female Lion)

Deeper in the rabbit hole:

liliger (Female Liger X Male Lion)
Litigon (Female Tigon X Male Lion)
Tiliger (Female Liger X Male Tiger)
Titigon (Female Tiger X Male Tiger)

Ligers, I've heard a lot about this topic. How Submales cant have cubs and how the tigress wouldn't just drop off her cub but in the wild, but tigresses do abandon cubs due to a lack in resources, threats and other.
How would we obtain a Liger? I generally think all Ligers (Raffle Lionesses not included) should have an NPC mother, like tigons but there isn't a known father in the heritage. The way the Liger gets in your pride is though a patrolling sub male, he was lingering around and found himself in tigress territory. After having some fun, he returns with no word about her. 3 Days later, he finds a liger cub in his paws, panicked, he rushes over to a lioness who has recently given birth, sneaking it in her litter (She’s too exhausted to notice). If you were to predict the lionesses cubs beforehand, the litter of cubs wouldn't match. For example, if the bat told you that she has 4 cubs but after birth, she ends up with 5. No trace of the father in the cub’s heritage and the cub isn't in the adopted mother’s cubs list either.

I think this little Gen 1 liger party should only take place during January, March and August as those months would most likely be the ones where the tigress will starve and/or feel threatened enough to the point she would abandon a cub.

You will need a sub male and a pregnant lion for breeding a liger. This will make male lions slightly more desired rather than just being a waste of food or the next king.


Base: Loqua (Loquat Fruit)
Eyes: Tan (in game)
Skin: Sandy (in game)
Mane: Scarce (Zer)

Slot 4 :White Trim [Tier 3] (under 90%) (in game)
Slot 6: Mottled Mackerel [Tier 5] (including false tiger ear eyes <3 )

Jaglions (WIP)

(First ever post! )

This suggestion has 7 supports and 27 NO supports.

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[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-20 21:55:12
Please tell me if i did anything wrong!

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-08-21 05:35:52
Jaglions are already planned afaik^

No support to ligers- we already have tigons and I especially don't think it's fair to center them around having a submale, or particularly balanced to have the cub obtained via patrolling. + newborn cubs are a rollover result (unless IBF'd)- how would that mesh with sending out a submale once/hour?
As for the "rabbithole" hybrids- they'd have such increasingly smaller changes to lineart/appearance- kind of what's the point, imo?
+ no support to anything involving a cub born to a female outside of the pride somehow joining the pride as there is no precedent for that mechanic existing onsite and the entire thing just seems unfeasible

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[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-21 11:35:48
there being tigons has nothing to do with ligers, their entirely different. The cub should appear right when you rollover, it doesn't just appear randomly throughout the day. Just like a normal cub but for the ultrasound, you wont know its there until she births. I was kind of thinking of it being born in the litter but with the heritage of a Gen 1 Liger. Like how tigons get their fathers replaced?

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 08:51:18
My question is how exactly would patrolling, which gives results once per hour, give a rollover result? And Ligers are really not different enough from tigons imo- there is the size difference, but that doesn't really show up in this game. Adult male primals are massive but their art is still roughly the same size as a nonmutated adult male- they don't end up looking all that much bigger.

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[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:01:14
it doesn't come from a specific patrol, it rolls just like a normal hybrid with twists, one being there must be at least 1 patrol. So as long as you are actively patrolling your submale, it could drop on your pride under a lioness. All the primal variants look the same so why make all of them? i liger is a more tiger-like version of the tigon, thus having both male and females not to have manes. They are also sometimes lighter toned so players are able to tell the difference between the 2.

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:09:02
i'm sorry, i'd really really rather them just make entirely unique hybrids. i'm honestly a little doubtful about how they're gonna go about even making the jaglion unique compared to the leopon. the art team is so busy and any new pose or mutation such a feat that i'd rather them make them quite special, not something similar to what we have already.

also agree, don't really want a new hybrid or anything to have anything to do with patrolling or not coming from a female in the pride. the ideas i've heard about it haven't quite been feasible imo.

would the chance to get a liger depend on how much you patrol? or just a flat rate of patrolling once a day?

no support either way honestly

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Edited on 23/08/23 @ 17:09:30 by leon 🔮 (#208511)

[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:11:26
not quite sure? flat rate prehaps but completely up to the devs. i had always thought Ligers were the popular hybrid between the two, i never knew Tigons existed before this game.

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:17:05
i don't really care for any irl hybrid since they're all pretty unethical. ligers are just more known since they're easier to breed. tigons make infinitely more sense in the context of lioden. mothers are in the pride, and no shenanigans have to be introduced to make ligers make sense.

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Foxheart she/her
🩷💛💙 (#309711)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-26 21:50:58
Its already rejected to find cubs in explore, so that automatically rules the Liger finding out.

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[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 21:55:31
its not finding in explore?? if just pops up in a lionesses litter when you patrol your male

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 05:36:39
I support -- we already learned that female tigers could abandon her young due to resources, and we don't know for certain if the submale *actually* Bred with this tiger OR he just found them on a morning patrol in-between rollovers whilst a lioness was in labor.

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[2x NHR G1
INTERSELLAR] (#394316)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 13:38:43
thank you

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Snebbles🌌 (#441306)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 20:11:29
No support. We have tigons, leopons, and jaglions on the way. A liger is completely unnecessary and the whole patrolling thing is just a totally weird system and so is the “Oh he just drops it off with a lioness!” thing. As for the whole rabbithole hybrids idea, they’re unnecessary and just overall not feasible.

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 21:13:26
Yes, but did you know that a female tiger could abandon her young in case of resources?

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-08-28 01:04:28
I'm sorry. Regardless of what a real tigress may do, ligers are just kinda unnecessary right now. I'd want to see them do all the lioness hybrids before they start rounding back around to ligers, and even then? Eh? No shade to everyone who wants them, but I don't see how they'll be much cooler than our tigons.

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