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Leothelion34 (#336505)

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2023-08-24 20:24:26
This is a game. It's like "gift the person above you" but a little more explaining, so there is not that much rules, I don't like rules! I don't think rules are fair.. So to get started you have to gift me first. Then you comment "sending "blah blah blah blah" to (my user name) and then you put what you'd like. Then the person below you will gift you whatever you want that you say you want ^^ 2 rules: Actually gift the person&Gift me first.
Those are the only rules, they are pretty fair I'd say! Have fun, be nice 🙂 So since I'm first, I would like...
What id like:
Manolism (idk if that's how you write that, not sure )
What I don't want:
any manes.
Breeding items: Pennyroyal-1,ibf-2, crb-1 buffy balls and lion balls 1- That's really it. Thank you!

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