Posted by Hoard Sale! [Applicators]

🌿 (#51144)

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Posted on
2023-08-25 15:13:29
Just cleaning out my hoard of old event apps and other things that I don't really see myself using at all. I based the prices off of the cheapest I've seen on Branch Sales in case you're wondering.

Anything striked through has been grabbed!

Citron Marking Applicator: 4GB/4000SB
Brimstone Core: 2GB/2000SB
Brimstone Imprints: 2GB/2000SB
Ethereal Body: 2GB/2000SB
Ethereal Fur ,Fossil Fur AND Sacred Fur [Comes in a bundle! Wow!]: 2GB/2000SB
Gregarious Swarm: 4GB/4000SB
Haunted Body: 8GB/7500SB
Heavenly Blessing: 1GB/1450SB
Heavenly Serenity: 4GB/3500SB
Invocation: 3GB/3000SB
Possession: 5GB/4500SB
Shape of Swarm: 5GB/5500SB
Supernal Body: 2GB/2500SB
Angelic Blessing: 13GB/12500SB

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Edited on 28/08/23 @ 18:55:40 by 🌿 π–†π–—π–†π–Žπ–™ 🌿 (#51144)

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