Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-08-27 12:35:15
Doing heir/in general lion designs for people as a quick way to try and make some currency. Base, marking, mane shape/color changing costs 1 and it's an extra 1 if you want a background + decor to be added.

The form is below! It's repeated twice, one with in depth explanations and one that's blank for easier copy and pasting!

Link: This is if you want me to add any changes to a pre-existing lion. If you're looking for a new lion entirely, just put n/a
Backgrounds + Decor?: If you put yes, that means you want the final design to include a background + decor. If saying yes, remember that background + decor cost an additional gb!
What to Change: Base [ ] Markings [ } Mane Shape [ ] Mane Color [ ].Eye Color [ ] For here, you just put a little X in what you want changed/ for me to work on. Leaving it blank means I won't change/touch it.
Applicator Markings or Any Markings: If you're only looking for markings that can be applied via applicators or if you're open to any markings at all, such as BO. The latter option would be if you're doing a breeding project or something.
Color Scheme: This is for what colors you want your design to have, try and suggest at least 3.
Vibe: What vibe you want the lion to give off, like evil, pure, galaxy etc. This is mainly for if you're looking for decor to be added to the lion aswell. If you don't want to do decor + backgrounds, feel free to skip/put n/a
Specifics: Anything specific you wanna mention or add! For example, you can ask me to make the design have triple rosettes, or ask for a certain marking type to not be added! This is your design, be as particular about it as you want!


Decor + Background:
What to Change: Base [ ] Markings [ } Mane Shape [ ] Mane Color [ ].Eye Color [ ]
Applicator Markings or Any Markings:
Color Scheme:


Some things are subject to change, such as additions to the form and whatnot! If you have any questions, feel free to pm me



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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 12:35:50 by Nill (#259465)

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