Posted by Hunter party

Nightshade (#347420)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2023-08-30 03:13:18
anyone knows what it means or happen when you create a hunting party but it disappears along with the lioness that where used for the party? My hunting party disappears but I still have the lioness but when I try to get rid of them it says there in a hunting party but it's not there and there under the replenish hunt and haven't moved since yesterday roll over

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⤛ Rah
[Semi-Frozen]. (#156300)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 04:10:22
I'm not sure I follow, so the Hunting party doesn't appear under your Hunting Parties tab?

Are you able to set their role back to none from their lion page, or does it say they're in a Hunting Party and have to be removed first?

Edit: It's possible you still have a Hunt out that you need to collect; does your Main hunting page (Here) have a Hunt ongoing? You can try the big red "Cancel Hunt" button as well, but you'd lose any food results they gathered on the hunt.

If this is a glitch you may need to reach out to support for help! <3

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Edited on 30/08/23 @ 04:19:16 by ♮ Rah [Clean 1stGen Sunrise] (#156300)

Nightshade (#347420)

Notable Lion
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-08-30 16:29:36
It might be glitch cause there under replenish hunts but then when I tired send one to the nature reserve it says that there under a hunter party that's not there? Thank you for the help

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⤛ Rah
[Semi-Frozen]. (#156300)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 03:45:21
Okay, I see - if you've exhausted all options, definitely reach out for support! <3

There may be something going on as another user (Link goes to forum topic) has a similar issue.

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