Posted by I need help!!

Athena (G2 stimulus,
8Bo seal) (#410307)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-08-30 13:36:29
Hiii so Ive done some threads trying to find some help in what to do for my next king. I'm not longer a fan of my current one because I became a low gen and clean breeder over the few months I've been playing, originally stuff like that didn't matter to me but I'm just trying to get things that sell better.

So i have a few things so know that I want out of a new king,
I want heavy BO however I don't really know what would be the best to try to breed for to make it to where I'll get lots of stud rqs and I also want a G1 but I'm willing to mut rep for that I'll just have to find the GB to do it.

Mostly I'm just kinda asking for advice on breeding heavy bos and what would be the best kind of bo to breed for a new stud project
And maybe someone can help me think of my dream stud???
Thanks in advance!

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Lizzy (#303453)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-30 21:03:23
I can show you a male that I have currently? I'm trying to get rid of him lol

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 21:12:08
hey, i'm currently doing a breeding project right now thats all breed-only that's been going on for about a year and a half, and i have another casual project on my side.

what are you thinking? do you want to create a specific design or do you want to play more loosely, just breed lions until they make something cute?

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Athena (G2 stimulus,
8Bo seal) (#410307)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-08-31 03:37:40
Lizzy, sure! Although I'm not to sure if I'll take them, I don't have much to offer money wise or even valuable items that I can trade rn!

Leon, hi! Currently I have no specific BO design that has caught my eye alot other then the skyward markings but the stud I like a lot is 12GB I can't afford that :(
So right now I'm playing pretty loosely just breeding till I find something I like, I don't have a specific idea in mind other than wanting at least 8 slots filled with BO and maybe BO mane and eyes or sum. I've only recently started breeding for BO so I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing

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