talia (#432148)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 15:17:38
disclaimer: please tell me if somebody else has done this.
the first would be like a lion with a lot of hair now listen. like a lot of hair not like silky mane or anything like that the whole body is hairy/fluffy hair everywhere and the only thing showing is the eyes but the eyes are like not fully visisble and at the cub stage it doesn't show as much so signs of it at a young age would be less of a full eye so if you compare it to normal looking eyes its got a bit of fluff around it. and when they get older the hair kind of just starts to go.. we are taking elderly and when they retire/die their hair will turn all grey so if they were blonde or something like that or a special base they would still turn grey.

This suggestion has 4 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:51:06
this is just overgrown fur. A version of super hairy males is also already planned (Hypertrichosis). They even have curly fur planned.

No support.

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-30 23:52:16
" this is just overgrown fur "

- @Corruptedhyena (#243378)

Quoted from OP:

" when they get older the hair kind of just starts to go.. we are taking elderly and when they retire/die their hair will turn all grey so if they were blonde or something like that or a special base they would still turn grey. "
- @talia (#432148)

They're suggesting a variant of overgrown fur BUT the fur covers their eyes, and the fur slowly turns all gray and sheds off.

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 07:42:34
Don't agree personally. Too similar to Overgrown Fur.

The graying makes no sense either, especially since they already have a similar thing approved.

If the only difference besides the graying is that the eyes are covered then a custom decor would do vetter than a mutation

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 07:44:59 by Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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