Posted on 2023-08-31 23:06:11
The September event launches on September 1st at 00:00am LDT, and will end on September 30th at 11:59pm LDT. All unused event currency will be stored on your account until next year.

September Event Wiki Page | September Storyline Wiki Page

September Event - Locust Plague!

The land that had once been scarred by droughts and fires was made new as monsoons rolled across the terrain and ended the dry season with torrential rains and storms. New grass sprouted, trees became thick and heavy with new leaves, flowers blossomed, and new life was spread far and wide... Until a dark cloud descended on the land in a sudden swarm. This was a different kind of storm, one with wings and an insatiable appetite.
Desert locust thrived during the wet seasons with a burst of breeding activity, leading to swarms that filled the sky and nearly blotted out the sun entirely. Initially only the human lands were affected, but once the crops and other plants were devoured, the insects began heading towards the land of the lions. Their swarms induced fear into the migrating herds and drove them away in search of food as they devoured the new grasses and leaves on trees.
Killing the locust will stop them from devouring the land, bring back the migrating herds, and can help those all around you. There are some choices you can make while exploring that will affect the number of locust for the better, and there are some choices that are entirely selfish. What kind of choices will you make? What kind of lion are you?

The majority of explore encounters will not affect your karma.

Player vs Player - This is purely just a fun mini feature for you karma-hoarders and pranksters!
You can help out other players by getting rid of some locust in their dens. It's up to you if you're going to be messy about it! STOMPING is naughty, while CHASING is nice! Other players will receive information about you clearing their dens, but won't receive anything from it.
The cooldown for the locust PVP feature is 30 minutes, and rewards you with 1 Jewel Beetle and +/- 1 karma, depending on your action.

- Explore to help get rid of the plague!
- Gather Jewel Beetles!
- By working as a community, unlock the Prophet Shop in order to spend your beetles!
- 4 amazing tiers, and not only decors!
- PVP Karma feature!
- Locust Wings drop from some encounters in Explore! They are only useful for crafting.

Black line separator.

New in 2023

New Encounters

There are a few new encounters for you to find - watch out!

Prophet Shop

We have new items in the Prophet Shop for you!

Denham's Bustard

White-Bellied Bustard

Senegal Coucal

Hunting Pratincoles

Grey-Necked Rockfowl

Giant Girdled Lizard

Horseshoe Necklace [Silver]

Horseshoe Necklace [Golden]

Horse Mane Tail Skirt [Pinto]

Horse Mane Tail Skirt [Palomino]

Horse Mane Tail Skirt [Grey]

Horse Mane Tail Skirt [Chestnut]

Horse Mane Tail Skirt [Black]

Harbinger Shop

There's also new stuff in the Harbinger Shop to buy!

Soothsayer's Hood

Soothsayer's Legwraps

Soothsayer's Tailwrap

Key Bracelet

The Sign

Eye Applicator: Omen

Harbinger Body

New Base and Eyes

The new applicator base this year is Harbinger. Its genetics are Black Dark Solid Special and it is tied to Black skin.

The new applicator eye colour this year is Omen. Its genetics are Omen 45%, Pink 15%, White 15%, Peach 15%, and Tyrian 5%.

New Craftables

New items crafted from Locust Wings have been added!

Giant Locust Wings [Top]
20x Locust Wings

Giant Locust Wings [Bottom]
20x Locust Wings

Gregarious Fur
50x Locust Wings

New Markings

September's event NCLs have received a new marking shape this year: Frosty Roan!

This shape comes in the following colours:
* Bone Frosty Roan
* Briar Frosty Roan
* Coral Frosty Roan
* Cream Frosty Roan
* Golden Frosty Roan
* Marigold Frosty Roan
* Pistachio Frosty Roan
* Quartz Frosty Roan
* Royal Frosty Roan
* Shell Frosty Roan
* Silky Frosty Roan
* White Frosty Roan

We have also added new recolours of the existing Domino marking shape:
* Brown
* Fallow
* Gold
* Henna
* Resin
* Scoria
* Tangor

Note: Most of the new lion files will appear when tiers are close to opening!

Black line separator.

September Novel

We're continuing on with the novel that was implemented in September 2018. We've dropped many hints that September had Prophets, and the Horses of the Apocalypse would appear. This is the time! However, we realise some players prefer to keep dark fantasy stories strictly to October, as it's the month of Halloween; therefore, anything related to the September Novel will not appear in Explore or anywhere else on the site so long as you do not start the storyline quests. This way, you can enjoy the usual locust theme exclusively!

What is the Novel about?! When does it start?
Without too many spoilers, this is a short, linear, daily quest-filled story, similar to how the Wenet storyline worked. You get a day-by-day situation, a quest, and receive tokens which you can spend in the themed shop once you finish the storyline and begin the repeated daily quests.
The story is short, but the daily quests have various difficulties for casual and hardcore players to choose from to fit their playstyles.

The Novel begins on September 3rd at 2:10am, after rollover. A Harbinger area will show up on the Event page; simply enter it to begin! Beware that the content is focused on a dark, creepy setting that foreshadows the battle of Heaven and Hell from the October storyline - some of the art may be quite scary!

It is planned out in such a way that you can take a few days to finish your daily quests. We wouldn't want to screw up your progress if you're not logging in every day!

So... prepare for the Harbinger!

Black line separator.

Awareness Statement

As September is the month that GMO Cows are released, we want to repeat our usual notification:

GMO Cows do not guarantee mutated cubs - they only raise the chance of mutated offspring significantly.
GMO Cows affect a random mutation chance, NOT the mutation-passing chance.

- Lion Meat and GMO Cows will work the same, no matter what your lioness's fertility percentage is.
- Lion Meat and GMO Cows work separately from fertility, meaning they can affect one cub on its own, and your lioness's fertility can affect another cub in the same litter in a separate way.
- Cotton Root Barks ("CRBs") will override any fertility boost or debuff.
- GMO Cows WILL override the CRB's effects, BUT it most likely will make the GMO Cow's produced mutation rarer if the CRB's effect triggers; so, they benefit each other, you could say, but only IF they both work at the same time. Each item has its own percentage-based chance to actually trigger, and they can fail.
- GMO Cows WILL override CRB's percentage-based chance and use the GMO Cow's percentage-based mutation chance, BUT the CRB may make the mutation super rare.
- Leopon and Tigon's natural passing chances are completely separate from GMO Cows, and the Leopon/Tigon chance will always roll first.
- Primal's natural passing chance is completely separate from GMO Cows, and the Primal chance will always roll last after all other mutation-affecting items.

September Event Wiki Page | September Storyline Wiki Page

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Edited on 01/09/23 @ 01:26:32 by Katze (#3)

๐–— (#321171)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:26

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Verlain [side] (#13117)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:27
i tried :(

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:06:39 by Verlain [side] (#13117)

hotgodwater (#226604)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:28
third will do :,D

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:06:43 by hotgodwater (#226604)

|Hanae| G1 |
Mudstone RLC (#65315)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:33
*cries in slow net*

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:07:40 by Hanae ๐ŸŠ1.3k+ G3 Mandarin Ferus (#65315)

๐Ÿฆ•Fivtrees๐Ÿฆ• (#239719)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:35

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:10:54 by Fivtrees (#239719)

Yichen โš”๏ธ (#232219)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:40

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Broken River (Kenz) (#207042)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:41
Oooh new event more fun :D

LOVE the new base + eyes!

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:06:59 by Broken River (Kenz) (#207042)

kittycatkitty (#243573)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:43
NEWSS :DD i love this event <3

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Phel (G1 Merlot) (#208961)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:43
neewwsss!!! love the update and base!

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Edited on 31/08/23 @ 23:07:42 by Phel (G1 Merlot) (#208961)

LunarevโœจG3 Glass
Primal (#431276)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:49
omg news!!

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CrowBorn666 (#381367)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:52

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Vallaslin ๐“† | G2
Celestial (#338983)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:55

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โ˜†• (#323183)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:06:55

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5k Daedal (#385645)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:07:02
Never been so early. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

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Eren Universe (#322996)

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Posted on
2023-08-31 23:07:07
Second? Or not?

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