Posted by Add a search feature for topics you're subbed to.

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[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-09-06 08:34:36
Are you like me and are in WAY too many topics? I've got a lot and sometimes I need to search for one, but have to scroll all the way down and might go over it on accident. What i suggest is we could search for threads we are subbed to? so on the subscriptions list. I'm aware we can already use search boards but there can be a lot of threads with similar/the same names such as all of those giveaways, raffles and such. And if you cant fully remember the name of the thread you want it'll be easier to type in a small part of it and get listed threads you are subbed to instead of hundreds you arent!

Please tell me why you dont or do support.


Search - Giving away

Results found in your subscriptions=
Giving away a dwarf
Giving away free toys
Giving away goodie bundles
(these are examples.)

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