Posted by Help me choose my og fur rlc's background!

[14+|G2 Slender] (#377312)

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Posted on
2023-09-09 16:54:23
Hello there! Below are pictures of my brand new (and very beautiful imo!!!) OG fur, 1.7.22 rlc gal with different backgrounds! I've picked a few ones I like, but I can't decide which one suites her best! I'd love your guy's opinions on which one is your favorite!

If you think another one than these would look best on her, I'd love to know! I'm also looking for simple body decor (and maybe some other decor) for her! If you think one would also look good on her, I'd also love to know!!!

Before we get to the images, here's a wardrobe link to her if you want to play around with how different things would look on her!

1. Flowering Feilds (My favorite!)

2. The Solitude

3. Perside Storm

4. Draconids

5. Reflection Pool

6. Floating Hearts

7. Namaqualand

8. Swartburg Mountains

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Edited on 09/09/23 @ 19:05:05 by 🌻Aubrey🌻 [14+ Mark|G4 Mosaic] (#377312)

Hellsqueen (#333648)

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Posted on
2023-09-10 05:56:11
No. 8 looks gorgeous

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