Posted by Trades and Sales

Astaroth Daimao (#132253)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-11 06:46:49
I've got a lot of characters for Sale and Trade.
Prefer to do sales with 18+ only for legal contract reasons.
Would be ideal if you have a Toyhouse account for character transfers but not majorly necessary.

If you have any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer the best I can ^^

Let us start with the bigger group; Trades.
In terms of what I accept for trades I'm looking mostly for Art offers but will look at character offers, although I am picky when it comes to what I will accept /especially/ with characters. I'd much rather art offers.
Please offer according to the amount of art and quality of art the trade character has. Thank yooou ^^

Now for the Sales:
All Sales are in GBP through Paypal.
One character, a Blue and Grey Cat is sold with a physical tail. This cat is preferred to be sold to UK buyers only due to shipping being very expensive to international buyers.
Some characters have Part buy Part Art offers. They all have a minimum Cash value I am willing to do a split for.

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