Posted by Remainder of the food & Percentage indication

~ Raj (G3 Ferus) ~ (#363090)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 01:37:20
This will be useful for those who feed their pride on their own.

I would like to ensure that food is not wasted when you feed it to those lionesses who have a lower percentage of hunger. For example, Gazelle Carcass satisfies 60% of hunger. But sometimes, even by mistake, you can choose the lioness whose hunger is only 5%. And it turns out that she eats a whole Gazelle Carcass, and 55% simply disappears. Why not make it so that the lions will eat as much as they need and leave the rest of the food? This will reduce wastage of food.

Overspending also occurs due to the fact that it is difficult to remember what percentage of saturation each type of food has. A proposal has already been put forward here to indicate the saturation percentages in the food description as in the catalogue, so I will repeat this again.

This suggestion has 24 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 16/09/23 @ 01:40:34 by Raj (G4 Ferus) (#363090)

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