Posted by Feed All Beetles by Hunger%

AL - Beetle
Collection Fanatic (#390986)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 02:33:21
Hi there!

The new inclusion of beetles to the feed-all button is FANTASTIC. just so, so appreciated!

Maybe in the future, it might be possible to feed the beetles based on hunger %? Since larva can only have 90/60/30% hunger, it would be cool if each click of the "feed all" button fed one of those percentage brackets rather than all larva all at once!

I had 200 or so larva starving today for example, and when I clicked the feed-all button I wad startled to see 800+ item uses eaten up. It also looks like the current version of the beetle feed-all doesn't prioritize the starving larva, so hitting the feed all button with exactly enough herbs for just the starving larva in your inventory isn't a feasible workaround at the moment.

It still beats opening 200 tabs though!! Thank you again for the great QoL update devs!

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Edited on 16/09/23 @ 12:51:02 by AL - Bug Fanatic (#390986)

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