Posted by Mutation roll order

🦎Rango (Main) G2
NRLC Uneven (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-09-16 14:43:50
Ok, so I know the roll order of mutations:

Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon > Patches/Piebald > GMO Cow/Lion Meat > Cotton Root Bark > Fertility/Natural Chance > Lion Scrotum > Primal > Dorsal Fur > Mukombero > Dorsal Fur Guarantee

My question is specifically about CRB and patches/piebald. I've seen so many people say that you should not breed pie/patches with CRB because it'll be a waste of the CRB or cancel each other out. But I've always had successful CRBs with my pie/patches kings.

If the pie/patch passes, then there's no chance of another mutation, but if the pie/patch does NOT pass, CRB still rolls, correct?

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 14:51:38
Yes, you're exactly right.

Generally when people say this, they just are warning that you risk a common (usually low-ish value) piebald if that roll is successful, rather than potentially something rarer from the CRB. Because obviously if the pie does successfully pass, the CRB then doesn't roll for that specific cub at all. It doesn't prevent the CRB chance for any other cubs where the pie roll was not successful - it still rolls for them as normal, so you can a mix of pie cubs and random-CRB-mut cubs in the same litter potentially :)

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jester ☘️ (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 14:51:15
Yes, if Piebald doesn't roll, the CRB will still roll as normal, same with Lion Meat, GMO Cow, etc. The reason people say not to stud CRB/LM/GMO girls to Pie/Patch studs isn't because the Piebald will retroactively override any potential muts, it just has the small chance to stop that cub from rolling the mutation chance.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 14:52:55
Correct - if the cub is not Patches/Piebald, the cub DOES roll the chance of the CRB.
The users just tend to avoid it because a Patches/Piebald rolls first, so if there's a 1 cub litter, and its passed, then the cub will not get a CRB roll, effectively wasting the used CRB. So basically, users avoid it so their 1 GB used on the litter isnt wasted.

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