Posted by Continue, Start Hunt/Patrol, and others

🇵🇸🍉{G2 MR
Nat} (#153418)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-09-18 16:58:47
Hello! First time posting in any of these convo pages, but I wanted to bring up an issue I'm sure I'm not the only one having problems with.

The interaction buttons for hunting, patrolling, continuing, ect are a little too small. I often find myself missing the clickable area multiple times before having to zoom extremely close in to hit it and going page to page zooming in to be able to interact with these small buttons gets tedious and often hurts my eyes when it zooms back out on mobile.

Maybe putting a box around stand-alone words like how most of the other buttons are ( mainly speaking about the continue clickable at the bottom before starting hunts ).

This suggestion has 6 supports and 0 NO supports.

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