Posted by DU Puppies

Vitoria (#336792)

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Posted on
2023-09-20 19:15:23
Can DU puppies appear randomly in AMP, or only by DU mothers?

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-09-20 19:24:38
Hi! Almost all mutations in Lioden can appear by random chance, regardless of their mother. The exceptions I can think of top of my head are those that are applied by applicators—piebald, patches, primal, overgrown fur. I also do not think dorsal furs can appear randomly, and no primal variation can appear randomly.

Therefore, yes, a DU can be born randomly. So can dwarfs, etc etc

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Anxiety Prime™
[11.25.22 RLC] (#191357)

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Posted on
2023-09-20 20:14:10
Yes, a DU can be born at random! All mutations except the following can be bred at random (and/or passed down naturally or some need items): Piebald, Patches, dorsal fur, Overgrown Fur, Primal (Felis, ferus, simulius. Primal varients can only be bred through either a varient or a primal itself, except ferus. Ferus must be passed down via another ferus *or* mukembero/"Ferus root"). Patches, piebalds, Overgrown fur and regular primal can all be applied via Mutie On Demand. Mutations such as dorsal fur can only be bred down from a dorsal fur (male or female) which you can earn a dorsal fur boost during the march "Punk breeding challenge."!

You need a lion scrotum/Lion Scrot/Lion ball to pass down mutations such as DU and dwarfism, as they do not naturally pass!

I hope this helps!!

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