Posted by Edit names, notes, secure, hunter, etc from cave
Kry [G1 12/27/24
Ennedi RLC] (#286017)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2023-09-23 05:08:25
I tried to find if this was suggested already, I thought maybe it was but then I thought maybe I was thinking about another game...

When in a cave, and you can use the mass move/remove lions button, maybe there would be a separate option - Mass edit lions?

would then open up bars for all the lions names, as well as tick boxes for secure + hunter

Notes are sorta... maybe not necessary to allow the changes, since most of the time notes may only be for defining features of a lion that you need to look at the know what to write for the note...

Ex. My side account is a big breeding project atm, and I am every day naming cubs, figuring out who to age up (I put something in their name to indicate it), as well as securing and setting hunters/unsetting hunters.

It's so tedious to do each one individually, especially if I also will need to be moving their cave. Just a lotta settings to do on each individual page, etc.

Yeah, sorry if this was already suggested, I really don't know what to search for to find similar suggestions to this.

Also, maybe,
instead of using a drop down menu to change sorting options, it was just sorted by clicking each of the sections at the top of a cave - ex. You want to sort by name, you click "Name" and it does a shuffle, you click "Age" and it does a shuffle to sort by age - similar to how most things work when trying to find info on multiple statistics - something as simple as file explorer and trying to find the biggest file in a folder, or wanting to sort by name, etcccc


thats it


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