Posted by Remembering Stud Requests

Blulile l G2
Snowflake (#166800)

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Posted on
2023-09-24 10:08:14
As a long term member currently with a long gen king, I'm always pretty grateful when I recieve any stud requests. It absolutely breaks my heart when I find out that someone has been waiting for me to stud their lioness, mostly on account the fact that ive been there and do not wish to contribute. I am hoping that an idea ive had can shorten these waiting periods, reduce 'heat anxiety' and provide a better way for the studmuffins of lioden to keep tabs on their requests.

Considering the recent (top notch) quality of life updates, maybe it could be simple to code a sort of reminder above heat requests (using the same red dots for game notifications and messages.) This could be extremely helpful to remind a player that they've got a few requests they forgot to return to when their king ran out of energy. Alternatively, on rollover there could be a message reminding you that your king is sought after in a possibly comedic message. I feel as though either would be effective with keeping player frustration down and the latter could be a fun addition to the daily report^^

As a bit of a sidenote, maybe some additional info could be added to the stud request queue (Longest waiting, fertility known and unknown respectively, as well as age to aid with prioritizing stud requests.)

This suggestion has 11 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/09/23 @ 18:56:49 by Blulile (#166800)

nebula/ferrous 💫 (#434371)

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Posted on
2023-09-26 11:43:30
YES!! I forget a lot about stud requests, a little warning in the top corner of the page would be amazing.

Just now I felt badly because somebody sent a request to me two whole days ago, and I didn't accept it because I didn't have energy. I just remembered about it now when I got another one, so it showed me that I had not 1, but 2.

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Aura/Starfall (#209015)

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Posted on
2023-10-19 22:14:56
Support I accidentally skip over the notifications and forget a lot too

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