Posted by New player adopt

Emmy (#319223)

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Posted on
2023-09-26 18:40:39
I'm looking to adopt a new player!
For now I can only do one, but in the future I may be able to adopt 2.

◇You can ask me questions about the game! I will answer to the best of my ability!
◇I will help you with events
◇I will help you replace your king if you need it!
◇I will help you find muts, decors, and apps!
◇You will have fully refunded studs to both of my king's whenever you want as long as you are my adoptee
◇I will give you advice on trades if you want
◇I will give you food/toys/Nesting material if needed

◇You must be serious about wanting to play the game!
I don't want to spend a bunch of time and money on a player who isn't going to stick to the game! (I understand if things aren't working out, just be honest with me and lmk ahead of time!)
◇Let me know if you no longer need my help so that I can help another player!
◇If I feel that you are taking advantage of me I will adopt a different player instead!
◇You must be a fairly new player

I haven't done this before, so I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'm willing to take a chance if you are! I remember how confusing it was for me when I was starting out, so I just want to help a new player!
I may add rules as needed!

● Currently adopted:1/1 ●

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Edited on 26/09/23 @ 18:50:16 by em (#319223)

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