Posted by Leopon project

Tama♡ (#437608)

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Posted on
2023-09-27 10:18:13
Hi everyone! I was wondering what breeding items help me get a pon? I currently have a frozen one I bought but I would love to have one born in my pride!

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🌈CC✨ -Autistic
BO Breeder- (#438339)

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Posted on
2023-09-27 10:29:56
It depends on if you are going for a first gen, or just a regular pon! IMO Going for a regular pon first is best, becuase you have a 5% chance instead of a .01 or whatever chance.

Going for a regular pon requires finding a pon heat (most go for 20 - 40 GB). You do not need items for the mutation to roll, BUT having a higher count of cubs in the litter gives a higher chance, since it rolls 5% for each cub.

Breeding to a first gen gives you a 10% chance, but these are generally much more expensive. You can, however, find them for cheap or even free during Febuary as long as you have 20 barks.

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