Posted by Custom decor - quality of life stuff!

MorningStar -G1
Wicked Nun (#26098)

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Posted on
2023-09-28 04:20:41
few things that I feel needs to be altered to improve the usability of custom decor uses.

The main issue is being previews! (well lack thereof) The only way you can preview an item you might want to buy is if you go to the item's sale page and preview it on an existing lion. However many items have different looks/colors etc on different poses, and if you don't happen to have any with that pose you can't preview what the item will look like.

Even if custom decors are not brought to the wardrobe, (and i kinda understand why, though that would be amazing)
Being able to preview how it looks on a stock lion (like a generic all white or all black lion, like marking previews are shown in the wiki for example) in each pose would make life 100% easier for people to decide if they want to buy that item or not.

my other gripe is the location of where you buy custom decors, partly because it's a little tucked out of the way, and not the easiest to find for newer players,
branch > custom decors, then you have to go to view custom, if you don't know its exact name or want to browse. Tt just feels like it needs it's own section, rather than being tucked away. (this is purely a personal thing of me never being able to find it easily, and is probably less of an issue for most people)

This suggestion has 9 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/09/23 @ 04:21:15 by morningstar1 (#26098)

Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-09-28 04:32:25
I also wish that lab-frogged kings were compatible with the previewer.

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