Posted by number beside my lioness

Jo (#449400)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-09-29 23:05:10
my lioness is to old to breed, but she has a number kinda like the heat countdown of younger lionesses. i dont know what it is, is it saying she will die next roll over or something?

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Edited on 30/09/23 @ 00:01:37 by Jo (#449400)

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-09-29 23:15:03
As a note, we can't see files on your computer, and it's easy to release your full name doing that. :(

I'm assuming you're saying she has a breeding cooldown still though. It's just kinda... there sometimes. She can't breed after 14.1 years, and it doesn't mean anything. Lions will randomly die between 15 and 16 years old, and will always die at 16 (unless Grandpaws, who die at 17, and kings who force retire at 16)

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Edited on 29/09/23 @ 23:17:53 by leon 🦇🩸 (#208511)

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