Posted by Toy Bundle Contents


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2023-09-30 20:16:18
I just opened 408 toy bundles. Dumping raw data in case anyone wants to crunch the numbers!

aardwolf tail 18
abandoned nest 18
albino feather 15
archer's buzzard feather 23
barn owl feather 9
broken camera 13
cape eagle owl feather 8
caracal skull 17
cardboard box 10
cheetah skull 20
civet skull 22
cow skull 22
cracked egg 15
crane feather 8
dried ferns 7
egyptian goose feather 17
elephant skull 16
fennec skull 19
flamingo feather 22
glossy ibis feather 12
grass owl feather 22
grey crowned crane feather 20
guilt trip 12
hippo skull 18
hoopoe feather 17
hornbill feather 11
hornbill skull 16
hyrax fur 13
hyrax skull 17
jacana leg 13
kingfisher feather 18
lion skull 15
little owl feather 14
long eared owl feather 10
malachite sunbird feather 21
marsh owl feather 7
meerkat skull 16
nightjar feather 15
ostrich feather 10
otter skull 19
pel's fishing owl feather 20
pet rock 12
rat skull 12
red eagle feather 19
red squirrel tail 17
rhino skull 17
rib bone 18
rugged tire 14
sable horns 21
sacred ibis feather 15
secretary bird feather 22
senegal feather 10
shining drongo feather 15
shoebill feather 17
shrike feather 11
snake skin - dark 9
southern white-faced owl feather 14
spoonbill feather 21
spotted hyena skull 22
stork feather 7
striped eagle feather 20
striped hyena skull 19
swan feather 17
vulture feather 12
vulturine guineafowl feather 14
wattle 13

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