Posted by Lioness Heats [REFUNDING AVAILABLE]

Andy [he/him] (#439769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-04 11:27:06
- The lioness will never leave my den.
- Payment Up-front
- When using a stud, it can either be your's or mine
- If you don't have the funds for all the items, don't reach out to me until you do. This is to ensure you're able to pay for everything needed.
- Cotton Root Bark, GMO Cows, and Lion Meat are allowed. It would also be helpful to provide a Black Stallion for 1st-attempt breeding, or 3-5 Chasteberries to up her fertility temporarily.

Split Litter - 200 OR 2 (1 refunded)
Full Litter - 500 OR 5 (4 refunded)

Natural Heats:
- Lion scrotum is recommended for mutations.
- Buffy scrotum/GoP is required if you want more than one lion.
- IBF is recommended
- Providing aging crystals will deliver your cubs immediately. Otherwise, you must wait for the cubs to wean.

Barked Heats OR Heart Heats:
- 20 Yohimbe Barks REQUIRED for Barked (I will turn down the heat otherwise)
- Zebra Heart REQUIRED for Heart (I will turn down the heat otherwise)
- Lion scrotum is recommended for mutations.
- Buffy scrotum/GoP is required if you want more than one lion.
- IBF is recommended
- Providing aging crystals will deliver your cubs immediately. Otherwise, you must wait for the cubs to wean.

Split Litters:
- Buffy Scrotum/GoP REQUIRED (I will turn down your heat otherwise).
- Lion scrotum is recommended for mutations.
- IBF is recommended
- Providing aging crystals will deliver your cubs immediately. Otherwise, you must wait for the cubs to wean.
Offspring will be:
1st Cub: Yours
2nd Cub: Mine
3rd Cub: Yours
4th Cub: Mine

If there are two muts in the litter, you get the first pick.

Lionesses Available:

Cimmer ~ Clean, long heritage, low fert (3%), achromia, ROSETTE (100%) [CURRENTLY PREGNANT]

Chestnut ~ Dirty, 13y 2mo, long heritage, good fert (89%), dwarf, special genetics (cream dark countershaded)

Bianca ~ Clean, G5, low fert (64%), primal fangs, special genetics (golden dark solid)

Athena ~ Dirty, long heritage, good fert (83%)

Haze ~ Clean, G5, good fert (80%), rare genetics

Faberge ~ Clean, G6, low fert (61%), special genetics (black medium countershaded) [CURRENTLY WEANING]

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Edited on 05/10/23 @ 22:33:59 by Andi (#439769)

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