Posted by Thurpth: A Lost Kingdom
AndyorZeph (#306879)

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2023-10-06 08:21:06
Whilst the human population was steadily growing, the amount of strays and domesticated species of animals were doing so in a much more destructive way. Wolves slowly dwindling and being chased off the planet, until one day a fortunate [perhaps a misfortune to others] event struck the world; a disastrous string of natural disasters with an unknown cause.

Eradicating the human race off of the earth, leaving the domesticated with no owners to reside or seek comfort in. Chaos of course ensued, and as dogs emerged and sought help after escaping the rubble, those in charge took advantage of their needed help.

- - - -

How will your character react to the newly found freedom and chaos?
Will they be cattle and follow the lead of others; or rise up and end the injustice that those in charge have reaped hell upon the unfortunate souls of those who were lost in the rubble?

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Edited on 06/10/23 @ 08:21:51 by Ezra (#306879)

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