🎃⪻A Friendly Greeting⪼🎃 A golden Lioness with a spotted rump Edgerly runs up to greet the newcomers of the Cove. "Hello welcome to Cubbie's Cove! My name is Fawn and I'm the head Broodmother." She says with a sweet smile. "This is home to all of our cubs who are Edgerly awaiting new homes. Our cubs receive a special heart to tell you when they are searching for that forever home. If you see a cub you'd like to take with you feel free to talk to any of us Broodmothers! We are many around here. Please don't bother our nursing mothers. They can get quite cranky if their cubs wake up." Fawn starts walking further into the cove. "These cubs are your everyday average little fluff balls. If you're looking for those who have a special mutation you'll need to speak with the Lionesses in Piebald Paradise. They look after and train our special little fluffs." She stops by a large rock. "We hope to eventually find all of these youngsters a home. Whether it's with our pride or yours they all deserve homes!" She said smiling. "Oh! I'm sorry it's getting late. Feel free to rest up here a while before continuing on your journey! Maybe get to know a few of our cubs and helpers before you leave. Good Luck on your travels!" The lioness smiles before she trots over to help the other Broodmothers care for the little fluff balls. 🪦Cubbies Cove🪦(0 Available) 🪦The Sunset Pride🪦(12 Available) 🪦Piebald Paradise🪦(2 Available)
🪦Currently Have 7 Cubs Available in my Unsorted🪦
🎃⪻Rules⪼🎃 1) Please don't ask for our Broodmothers or Nursing Mothers. They are here to protect the cubs and care for them until they are ready for homes.
2) If a lion is marked with a ❤ or 🪦 they are for adoption. Please don't ask for Lions and Cubs that aren't marked!
3) Please don't adopt a lion or Cub just to kill/send away/ or sell(Unless it's a Potato I understand those!). Please wait to at least 1 heat to decide if you still wish to keep them or not. If you don't you can always send them back!! I will be checking in on any Lionesses/Cubs that leave this Pride. Just to keep up on progress.
4) If you need anything to help take care of your lions feel free to ask! I can send food and entertainment!
5) Please Limit to 3 cubs per rollover! This way everyone gets a chance to get a cub!
6) This is a first come first serve!
7) Roleplay isn't something you HAVE to do! I just threw it in as something to get this started! Feel free to Roleplay though
🎃⪻Key⪼🎃 ❤/🪦- Available For Adoption
🐾- Raffle Only
🍁- Mutie Special! Mutie specials normally come with special perks! This can be anywhere from Free breedings to coming fully equipped with decor!
☘️- Package Deal! Packaged deals are cubs that our Broodmothers would like to be sent together. Thus meaning these cubs have a special bond with one another! Please keep in mind that if you asked for a packaged deal you get both cubs.
🌼- Any Cub marked with this symbol is an undecided. This might mean they could become available for adoption, be sold, or even raffled.
💨- This Cub has been adopted/reserved! This symbol may appear in a footnote of a cub who is on cool down, Isn't fully weaned, or is currently being held until they can make the journey home.
🍡-Cubs marked with this symbol are apart of the new Auction House! Please don't ask for them.
🎃⪻Other Information⪼🎃 1)All Cubs/Lions come with names. This makes the claiming process easier on me! You don't have to keep the name I give to them! You can 100% change it!!
2) Donations are welcome! I'll take any lion/cub you don't want and I'll try to adopt them out to others! SB, GB, Nesting Materials are also greatly appreciated!
3) These Cubs can be in ANY of my dens! Just look for the correct markings in their Footnotes!
4) Cubs who are still being weaned are RESERVEABLE!
5) Any Cubs who aren't adopted by 1 Year 11 Months get chased/Nature Reserve!
6) Post Names here or PM me! (Links would be preferable but each Cub has a unique name)
8) I know I stated that I really don't want them chased or killed but I can't exactly stop you from doing so! I just ask anything with over 2 Marks you keep in your pride or regift it to someone else! Potatoes are understandable (You can definitely use them as fodder). Potatoes are anything under 2 Marks!
Please enjoy your new pridemate(s) and have an amazing day!
Come dance with a creature of the night. 🪦Mouth Full Of Razors🪦 is a G2 Patches Plumage with the Harbinger Base! Currently the only Harbinger Based Plumage! https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?id=794202625737
150 or 1
1 =5 Refunded Breedings
HTML Template by Katie#106445
🎃⪻Currently Available Cubs⪼🎃
Astrid Velvet
Edgar O'Banshee
Endora Crimson
Lilith Witchbriar
Nyx Fang
Pandora Darkspell
Hannibal Devilstein
Igor Hellblade
Bellatrix McSlaughter
Boney Poisonflower
Selene Doom
Obediah Demonbreath
Raven McBiteyface
Viktor Cobweb
Elena Darkspell
Spooky Nightshade
Drusilla Witchbriar
Sabrina Styx
Baron Ghostface
Bert Hellblade