Posted by What makes a good stud?

Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2023-10-08 04:31:21
Hi! I'm not new to Lioden but I haven't been around for a while so I might as well be. Been doing a big revamp of my breeding projects now that I'm ready to get back into it. Though that's another subject altogether, I am looking to get a new king soon.

I have what I think is a pretty good looking stud with a reasonable fee, but don't get many requests so I don't feel like I'm privvy to what's poppin' lol. Getting a stat king takes a lot of time/work and I want to be able to cover some of the other bases.

So what kind of studs are really "popular"? Bases, mutations, markings, etc. Anything to point me in the right direction is appreciated.

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FEB- (#221015)

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Posted on
2023-10-08 07:04:16
I'm very curious too!

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Wyrm G1 3K Flint 4x
Hybrid (#450143)

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Posted on
2023-10-08 07:28:32
IMO ; Coming from a newer player but someone who purchases studs daily / helps others with stud choices for projects.


Small BO Things.

You'd be surprised how many studs I'd simply go next with if they didn't have a BO Skin or eyes. Makes my life easier when I'm purchasing breeders.

If your king has a BO Special Base, then yeah, it will be more difficult. But if you have a applicator / custom base than I better see BO Skin, Eyes, Mane Shape, ect.

I LOVE kings with Rare BO bases. Why ? Breeding Special to Rare means that the 2% Special is only the one special being bred, this is great for breeding the hybrid bases or breeding BO Bases as it doesn't make the 4% a coin toss. Then, there's also all the combos as most Rare BO Bases are factors. You get the best of both worlds.

- G2 / G1

Hybrids / DU / RLC breeders tend to strictly breed G1, unless your king is a one of a kind (ie ; the only king of a RL).

G2 shouldn't be of heavily bred studs. Mainly the huge statters / main G1s of a mutation.

Unless you're a Ferus, never go past G2. Just get a mid Pie or a low stat groupie and slap Primal on it, or nothing. You don't need a mutation to sell if you don't plan on being the best at it.


Gatekeeping Markings / Misc

This mainly happens with the RLs and RLC Kings ; I see a king simply charge 10+ , with heavy restrictions on the lionesses, simply due to being RLC. Then I scroll and see the same RLC King with half the price, same Gen and less restrictions.

I don't understand public studs who will use the fact they're a RLC against the consumer, It has a lot of signs of Artificial scarcity. If you don't want to risk losing your rare markings / RL, then kinging it and offering public studdings is one of the worst choices you can do. It ends up with only those who are dead-set on recreating the RLC studding to your king, the one thing you didn't want.

Applicator Special Bases / Combo Factors.

This is about the non-combo factor ones. They are great for if you're trying to breed in a specific color group, but that's really it. I'd much rather a Custom UC Base that's a combo factor than a average Special.

Try. Be. A. Factor. If you're not a BO Base, be a Combo Factor. There's always a niche and people want these factors. You can change depending on the market (ie ; Albino in Wet / Dry, for Smog / Cloudburst). My favourite studs are combo factor studs.


Majority of Lioden breeds clean. Majority breed only on the first generation page. Simple statistics. If you want studdings then don't be dirty.

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Edited on 08/10/23 @ 07:34:00 by bloodwyrm (#450143)

FEB- (#221015)

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Posted on
2023-10-08 07:33:37
Ah okay, thank you for the info! I have an heir planned already but I will certainly keep this in mind

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-10-08 08:25:37
When studding, IMO, I'm not fond of rosette bombs. Rosettes don't pass well, and I usually pay 800+ SB for a cub with zero to two markings. So I'll pass these up.

I'm not fond of multiple patterns overlaid on one another. That being, marks like Margay, Zebra, Nimravous, Feralis, Rosette, Cheetah, piled together. IMO, it makes a lion look dirty and busy.

I also typically avoid Raffle Lion Clones. Especially with Ebonies, there's just too many and they all look the same. Rainbow lions also typically get a pass from me.

I'm very fond of themed designs, or those that have a cohesive palette. A neutral and 2-3 colours, 4 at the most. I like lions that look like they've been designed with aesthetics in mind, rather than rarity and marking value.

Many of my favorite lionesses I struggle to get rid of are solely because their aesthetics are so pretty. Most aren't even rare. There's only a handful of breed-only markings that I really like, so for me and other aesthetics breeders, we just want a cohesive design.

If you can manage to fit rarity + aesthetic in a single lion, you're in the money, IMO. I like higher stats, but TBH I mostly only care for my king.

I remember the days when Clean Breeding was a small group of folks. I don't like how it's taken over the site, but I am forced to participate in it if I want to sell anything. Unfortunately, the advice is sound, even if it's Very Silly because inbreeding means nothing.

That said, your king's pretty, OP. I just am forced to breed clean so couldn't stud to them.

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Edited on 08/10/23 @ 08:26:58 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2023-10-09 21:45:22
Oh my gosh, thank you guys for replying! And wow this info is all really helpful.

I realized upon coming back that dirty lines are super "out" now. It is unfortunate, a surprising amount of my lions are interbred haha. On the one hand, they come from really old lines that used to be big on the scene so I'm sorta.. sentimental-ish? But yeah, I'm thinking about cleaning out my den entirely of dirty lines. Sad because I built up a lot of lines over the years mainly to achieve certain looks but, in a way, a fresh start feels natural. It's a big part of my revamp plan, but now I have to figure out what else I want to breed for aside from clean lines.

I do also remember the days where clean breeding was yet to be the majority vote lol

I don't like the colorbombs either personally, I really like a more neutral and ligher color "palettes". And overlaid patterns sometimes work sometimes don't, which can be hard to replicate on subsequent cubs (sometimes the stud might look good but cubs come out messy). It is interesting to think of sticking to one major pattern and sort of 'building' around it.

Breed only base is a good idea.. I've been seeing a lot of BO stuff in the trade center so it seems within the realm of possibility to get my hands on something good eventually. I also don't like the applicator bases because... well, it's going to be a more competitive market. Anyone can get them at any point whether from the event shops or trade center. Maybe a BO base + BO marks/eyes/etc. or piebald, some sort of combination like that would be good. And go for something that looks aesthetic of course

Thank you guys I really appreciate the feedback! Definitely gonna start plotting and planning based off this

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-10-10 10:01:34
Keep the dirties for your own personal collection. I do that. I'm sentimental about a lot of my lineages.

TBH I'm of the opinion naturals are fucking gorgeous and I only don't have them because Gold and Cream don't sell well. I miss my Dhahabis a lot.

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