Posted by Sex change advice

Maple 🍁✨ (#295166)

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Posted on
2023-10-12 19:05:28
I want to know if this adol lioness would make for a good stud if I sex changed her. Her base isn’t special but she has a bunch of interstellar marks and I want to make a profit.
If you think she’s profitable which sex changer would work?
She’s been getting training experience with hunts.

If the link doesn’t work her name is Kingdom on my account
“Horizon” den

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Marcie 🖤 [Project
WIP] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 18:59:24
I’d say no, not a great stud if you’re wanting to profit because interstellar marks in themselves aren’t that good. The app might be more expensive but just like hali marks they are still applicator markings. There isn’t much else notable or king worthy about her.

You might get some interest just because they are already all together, but not notable interest.

Also unfortunately because you sent her on hunts she can no longer be sex changed which means she can’t be kinged (there is a couple “rules” when sex changing lions and if you break any of them they can longer be sex changed.) but for future reference, the cub sex changer is the one you use up until they are 2 years. It will work on adols too if they have not hunted or patrolled.

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Edited on 16/10/23 @ 19:08:33 by Marcie 🖤 (#148390)

Maple 🍁✨ (#295166)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 19:59:25
Got it! Thank you. I’m honestly glad I got advice first. Do you know what’s currently popular in demand for studs?

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[ heartbroken ] [ G3
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 20:26:13
I just want to clarify since I've seen a lot of people say that about adol training- she can still be sexchanged. Training as an adolescent doesn't count as actually hunting/patrolling. I've trained a number of adols up to 100% and used adult sex changers on them once they hit 2y/o. Additionally if you send a lion on their first patrol but cancel it before it's finished, the lion is still sexchangeable. Not sure if the same goes for canceling a lioness's first hunt, though.

As for demand, multirosettes, combo base factors, and muties (ferus & dorsal fur are two big ones) are fairly popular. I tend to get through a good chunk of my weekly stud slots on my main account, since it checks all those boxes; combo-based cubs, rarer/in-demand mutie cubs, and multirosette cubs all sell for a pretty penny on their own as well. If you're interested in clean breeding, lower-gen lions also tend to sell for higher.

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Edited on 16/10/23 @ 20:34:24 by [ heartbroken ] [ G9 ] (#209190)

Marcie 🖤 [Project
WIP] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 20:46:10
Breed only traits are a very good way to make money. Breed only bases like dawn, prismatic, these are good because if you mass breed them and breed the base you can get a lot of GB from them and extra points if they have BO traits.

Rosettes are OK but the market and breeding for them is very difficult. And almost not worth it with how much effort it takes but it you manage to have a very high rosette you can get decent stud requests. Note: some marks are T3 but are BO. My king has 7x dawn marks and even though they show as T3 they are all BO. (These are from event studs, lionesses) and are pretty desirable

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Edited on 16/10/23 @ 20:47:39 by Marcie 🖤 (#148390)

Marcie 🖤 [Project
WIP] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-10-16 20:56:30
Also thanks for correction heartbroken :) seems I forgot as I am no longer playing the game actively my memory is getting dustier by the day🤣🤣

However for Maple I was an extreme craze not that long ago for breed only breeding and was making a lot off my pies with BO traits. If you want advice on having a good king or desirable marks/bases. I used to design lions in wardrobe with only breed only marks and then breed them myself. II did this so I could specifically breed “cool looking cubs that also had valuable marks”. My most popular king was when I mixed Leonid, vitiligo, Dawn and a few seal marks together.

feel free to pm me as I was obsessive about having markings and breeding lions that others would buy so I can help you choose a king that will help you profit if you like!

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