Posted by Obelisk Base Design 2.3

IcyNyoodle (#444740)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-13 10:29:42
Hello again, if you saw my original post for the Obelisk base design, this is the same thing, but more detailed, as, after a suggestion in the thread pointed out, it was still a bit too simple and didn't scream "obelisk". So, that being said, here is the new design compared to the old, along with the new design without line-art.


Updated/Without Lines:

As before, please don't be afraid to criticize me at any point, as long as you are fair and it is justified.

Thank you for all of your feedback!
Signing off: —IcyNyoodle

This suggestion has 11 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/10/23 @ 10:30:08 by IcyNyoodle (#444740)

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