Posted by Alt Messages

Daiphanous (#431755)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 00:26:40
Sometimes I like to freeze my alt or my main until I need the lions there. And a lot of other people do that too. But a lot of the time im waiting for a message on my alt to pop up before I RO. And sometimes I RO for no reason thinking its important like studs or maybe a response from someone but its just a clan message. I also see this problem but with people not noticing stud requests on their other account. And I think this could be easily fixed.

I feel like a way to see your linked account's messages could be very helpful. Like maybe a pop up or something similar.

If you have any ideas that would also help with this please share <3

This suggestion has 45 supports and 1 NO support.

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Splashy | G2 Dense
Nun (#405993)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 00:31:12
linked accs sharing a inbox (for messages atleast, you couldnt accept a stud or something on the other acc) would be SO helpful!! its something ive been really needing recently, sometimes im waiting on a message and ill pop on every bit to check, and i realize im on the wrong acc the whole time

on the wrong acc as i say this lmaoo

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Edited on 23/10/23 @ 00:31:39 by Splashy (side) (#405993)

☕Monox🌨 (#380407)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 00:34:18
Yes I love this idea!! Maybe on the roll over summary it lists all the messages you got with the title/heading of the messages? Just an idea

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M0US3 (#380904)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 00:35:32
Literally thinking the same thing! We need something like this in Lioden!!

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