Posted by Hide trades from new players

kittenly (G1
Harbinger kiwi) (#181543)

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Posted on
2023-10-26 05:06:23
Hello, shortly it's feature to hide trades from new players, so you won't see them in TC, or as opposite to hide your trades, so new players won't see them.

Before you saying that it's unfair, I want to remind that we already have an option to block messages from new players. Why? Because it's huge discomfort for many players who meets smap and lowballs.

Now, why to hide your trades from new players?
It's now an option to hide all and every trades, but for some of valuable trades. Have you ever received an offer with herb or 10 SB on your hybrid or high value trade? I'm sure, you got many notifications that disappointed you, when you saw a carcass as an offer for your precious babies or breeding items. In my opinion, old players' feelings matter.

And why to hide new players' trades? Just to hide overpriced items, "1 sb to X" trades and so on. Will this regulate market? I don't know! If you have considerations, share in comments! As for me, I think this will motivate new players to spend some time in Forums and to learn how other players usually price items. They'll know more about items and other game moments and probably find them friends who'll guide them!

This suggestion has 1 support and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/10/23 @ 05:06:53 by kittenly (#181543)

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