Posted by what not to do when offering on a trade

ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-10-29 13:51:12
(im not sure if this thread exist already but im just gonna link this on my page so anyone trading with me will know)

this thread was made prevent rude/inappropriate negotiating that i've seen recently (not directed to anyone specifically this happened to me about 4 times over 2 days so this is necessary)

i have about 30 trades over both of my accounts and the amount of people who expect a discount or dont know the value of the items they're offering/buying is annoying

thing to keep in mind when offering on a trade:

1) do your research on lions if your offering on them. learn if the base is bo, learn if the lions traits are sought after or not, check how many kings have the base/marks. if someones kind enough to explain the price, listen. if cant afford it then do not buy it or harass the seller

2) the last point extents to items as well. anyone who has an item up for sale can decide what it's worth they're not forcing you to buying and they likely take rarity/the time at which they're selling into consideration

3) do not offer 1/3 or 1/4 of the value of the trade its rude

4) a year round sb to gb conversion is typically 1000sb to 1gb (if the seller says they have a different rate then go trade your sb and gb at a better rate before coming to them)

5) when given a guideline of what to offer follow it. no one wants 5 items they dont have use for

6) do not come into people dm's and solicit randomly

7) dont tell people what they should or shouldnt take e.i. saying "your missing out"

do not tell people what to price their trades at!!!

this is to respect players who keep their pm's open to offers. when you act rude or tell people what they should price their items at it causes people to close their dm's or become non negotiable

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Edited on 12/03/24 @ 20:53:34 by ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-29 13:53:12
even ive done some of these things so i recommend asking chat to help determine the value of things

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Edited on 02/11/23 @ 08:25:15 by ellu | g2 df 10xbo noc (#139157)

🌵Rango (Main) G2
10BO Ebony (#334921)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-10-30 13:32:40
Another tip- learn the value of your items as well as lions! Branches has the most accurate prices year-round. Look at the first page and go off the lowest or second lowest price. If items are being sold on branches at less than 100sb and are not specifically asked for, they most likely have no value to person you want to trade with.

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