Posted by "Name That OC!"

Hok-Z |
| G1 Ennedi (#170947)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-10-30 00:30:04
Having trouble naming your OCs?
Yeah, same here. Let's help eachother!

Like other forum games, respond to the person above with some name ideas. If the suggested names don't really scratch the itch you're looking for with a character, you can repost your character's sheet & concepts. Please only repost once a page.

~ You must respond to the person directly above you.
~ You can choose to suggest names to people earlier in the thread.
~ Try to stick to their theme / put thought behind your suggestions.
~ Renaming Characters are welcome as well!
~ Repost "name ads" only once every page, please!


When Posting Characters:
~ Give us a bit of backstory! i.e. Do they have abilities? Where are they from? What are they themed after?
~ What's their identity? i.e. Gender identity, species, physical traits etc.
~ What king of name are you looking for? i.e. Based on Physical Appearance, Concepts or Themes.
~ Are you looking for names in any particular language?

When Suggesting:
~ Please keep suggestions relevant to the person's character!
~ Why did you choose the names suggested? Are they significant in any way or do they just feel right?


I'll start!
This is my character, Briazi. I'm not too fond of her current name, so I'm looking for a new one!

About Her:

~ She's a Smilodon that is from a tribe deep in the forests.
~ Like her fellow tribemates, she's gifted with a unique power: Plant Control
~ She has a Tattoo / Scar on her left shoulder that glows when her abilities are active.
~ She has a friend named Mavi [Blue in Turkish]. Mavi has the ability to control Ice. There is a third Smilodon planned for Fire [Maybe named Pyrra?]
~ The idea between the three is that they compliment eachother like seasons / natural disasters. Ice freezes Plants, Plants sprout from Fire, Fire melts Ice. Permafrost, Wildfire, Regrowth.

It's been a long time since I've drawn her and she's due for a redesign. The screenshot is fairly inaccurate but it's all I got for now. Tried keeping her "vibe" the same! She'll be designed similarly to Mavi [above] in the future in regard to concept.

[Made in the Celestial Oracle Impressive Title Server]

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Edited on 30/10/23 @ 00:31:09 by Hok-Z | G1 Octa-BO Cimm (#170947)

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