Posted by Hoard filter: Breeding items

23 RLC} (#395283)

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Posted on
2023-10-30 10:26:59
Idk if this has already been suggested, so lmk if so!

In your hoard, you have a filter tool! You can use this tool to categorize your items into groups. The groups you can sort items into are:
-Beetle skin
-Custom decoration
-special use

Actively, breeding items like GMO cows, crunchy worms, black stallions, etc. are stored under “special use”
I think it would be beneficial to have a new category labeled something along the lines of “Breeding items” to sort strictly breeding items!
This category can contain (but is not limited to)
Crunchy worms, CRB, lion meats, Buffalo and lion scrotums, GMO cows, Ochre items like gnawrocks, salt licks, etc. mukombero, pennyroyal, you get the idea lol

Give me your opinions on my other suggestions!
Warning popup about stud slots being empty
”Open all” feature for food and toy bundles

This suggestion has 107 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/03/24 @ 09:24:45 by TheMoth’sLantern (bored) (#395283)

Occhiolist 💜 |
he/they (#224112)

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Posted on
2023-10-30 10:32:39
I fully support!! It would make it so much easier

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AL-Buying Event
Beetle Tokens! (#390986)

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Posted on
2024-01-11 01:49:48
The "Special Use" catagory kind of sort of helped with this, but I love how clean this suggestion would be!

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