Posted by Need Opinions on Cub

Nep [Clean G6
Mandarin] (#215991)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-04 19:40:26
I recently had my first ever combo-base cub born and am not sure what to do with him. When I crowned my new king, I decided to veer towards clean breeding and chased most of my dirty/Big Four lionesses, but I held onto a few that I liked the appearances of and continued to breed them for some cute cubs.

One of them threw me a Styx male with a few breed only markings, although his stats are low and he is both inbred and has several of the Big Four in his lineage. I don't do a lot of trading/selling of lions, so I'm not sure what the current market opinion is of dirty lions. Would it be worth sex changing him and trying to pass Styx to sell the cubs, to attempt selling him as an heir (since he could be heritage repped with a clean lion later?), or just keep him as a trophy submale (I have the space).

Here's his link: See the cub!

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Edited on 04/11/23 @ 19:42:32 by Nep [Clean G6 Mandarin] (#215991)

Fr need to freeze
this shit (#231347)

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Posted on
2023-11-04 20:02:07
I'd just keep as trophy.
Dirty lions don't sell as well UNLESS the player knows they can afford a heritage/mut/stat rep. He lacks the markings to pick up interests along with styx isn't a demanded base unless the lion is the RLC/NRLC of the styx RL or has specific interesting markings that would interest players. Could be several rosettes, BO-bombs, or what not.

He wouldn't be worth kinging. Although he does have 3 BO markings, the rest wouldn't be interesting imo.

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Hok-Z |
| G1 Ennedi (#170947)

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Posted on
2023-11-04 20:06:38
Not gonna lie, I'd be interested in him as a breedable female. He has a mark that would go well with my queen project.

I do agree with above though. Trophies exist so if you really like him you can just keep him ^-^

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Nep [Clean G6
Mandarin] (#215991)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-11-08 21:48:37
Sorry for the late response, but thank you for the advice A.S{G1 RLC}! I appreciate the feedback. :3

Hok-Z, he's just weaned if you'd still be interested in him. If you'd like we can discuss via DM? I'm not sure what'd be a fair price for him considering he'd need sex changed to be useful.

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Hok-Z |
| G1 Ennedi (#170947)

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Posted on
2023-11-08 21:53:18
I sure am!
I'll take a look at TC for similar lions and see if we can come to an agreement. Tysm!

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